Alchemy Of Flesh will release their new record By Will Alone on November 17, and is now streaming their crushing new single "Unmaker". It's a short one with lots of brutality, perfect to kick your ass into gear for the remainder of the week.
"The intention behind 'Unmaker' was to make a blazing burner of a song," said Alchemy Of Flesh mastermind Tim Rowland. "It's the shortest, but fastest track on the album. I was playing a lot of Brutal Doom and other WADs for classic Doom 1 & 2 at the time and wanted to capture the brutality and ferocity in those games that I was feeling. Lyrically, it revolves around the aforementioned themes of course. The title of the song comes from the name of the final weapon in Doom 64, which in my opinion is the most underrated game in the series for sure."
Pre-orders for By Will Alone are available here.