Alice Cooper has been dropped by Vampyre Cosmetics after making anti-trans comments in a recent interview with Stereogum. According to Vampyre Cosmetics, all pre-orders for the now-cancelled collaboration will be refunded.
"In light of recent statements by Alice Cooper we will no longer be doing a makeup collaboration," wrote Vampyre Cosmetics in a post. "We stand with all members of the LGBTQIA+ community and believe everyone should have access to healthcare. All pre-order sales will be refunded."
In the interview, Cooper was asked how he feels about previous comments made by Paul Stanley and Dee Snider regarding gender-affirming care. In the interest of fairness to Cooper, the entirety of his answer can be found below. Cooper states that he feels being trans is a "fad" and later echoed the usual right-leaning talking point of transgender people raping others in bathrooms.
Cooper also makes some pretty outlandishly hyperbolic points about kids being told that they "can be a cat if you want to be," and further echoes that the woke movement is apparently forcing people to use certain words via global commands.
"Yeah. I'm understanding that there are cases of transgender, but I'm afraid that it's also a fad, and I'm afraid there's a lot of people claiming to be this just because they want to be that. I find it wrong when you've got a six-year-old kid who has no idea. He just wants to play, and you're confusing him telling him, 'Yeah, you're a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.'
"I think that's so confusing to a kid. It's even confusing to a teenager. You're still trying to find your identity, and yet here's this thing going on, saying, 'Yeah, but you can be anything you want. You can be a cat if you want to be.' I mean, if you identify as a tree… And I'm going, 'Come on! What are we in, a Kurt Vonnegut novel?' It's so absurd, that it's gone now to the point of absurdity.
"The whole woke thing… Nobody can answer this question. Maybe you can. Who's making the rules? Is there a building somewhere in New York where people sit down every day and say, 'Okay, we can't say ‘mother' now. We have to say ‘birthing person.' Get that out on the wire right now'? Who is this person that's making these rules? I don't get it. I'm not being old school about it. I'm being logical about it.
"It's getting to the point now where it's laughable. If anybody was trying to make a point on this thing, they turned it into a huge comedy. I don't know one person that agrees with the woke thing. I don't know one person. Everybody I talk to says, 'Isn't it stupid?' And I'm going, 'Well, I respect people. I respect people and who they are, but I'm not going to tell a seven-year-old boy, ‘Go put a dress on because maybe you're a girl,' and he's going, ‘No, I'm not. I'm a boy."
"So I say let somebody at least become sexually aware of who they are before they start thinking about if they're a boy or a girl. A lot of times, I look at it this way, the logical way: If you have these genitals, you're a boy. If you have those genitals, you're a girl. There's a difference between 'I am a male who is a female, or I'm a female that's a male' and wanting to be a female. You were born a male. Okay, so that's a fact. You have these things here.
"Now, the difference is you want to be a female. Okay, that's something you can do later on if you want to. But you're not a male born a female.
He later added: "Well, I can see somebody really taking advantage of this, though. A guy can walk into a woman's bathroom at any time and just say, 'I just feel like I'm a woman today' and have the time of his life in there, and he's not in the least bit… He's just taking advantage of that situation. Well, that's going to happen. Somebody's going to get raped, and the guy's going to say, 'Well, I felt like a girl that day, and then I felt like a guy.' Where do you draw this line?"