Ch'ahom is now streaming "Knots Of Abohrrence I", the first of two devastating parts to their upcoming album's title track. Now sit back and let Ch'ahom absolutely devastate your speakers for the next 10 minutes with their blend of progressive-leaning, blackened death metal. It's a fucking crusher.
"After having created impulsive, raw material, thus creating the basis to our sound we soon felt the need to build something greater upon that, to broaden our language into more insane, unhinged babbles," said Ch'ahom of the single.
"To leave the sum of our parts behind and become something unique, to evoke something beyond the agreement with the rules of the genre itself, that was our goal when we set out to write our debut album. 'Knots of Abhorrence' is the result of that process."
Knots Of Abhorrence is out November 3. Pre-orders are available here.