Another week has passed, which means we are one week closer from the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise. I absolutely can't wait to get on board and party, as well as live-blog our whole experience for those of you who weren't able to make it. It's going to be a killer time. One more week and then we are on the high seas. Woohoo! Here's what happened this week:
The biggest story of the week, without a doubt was that Tony Iommi was stricken with cancer, lymphoma specifically. The riff master has released a statement saying that he is still planning on recording a new album with Sabbath. Nothing can stop Iommi!
We premiered new music videos from Aborted, Cannabis Corpse and Brutal Truth, as well as posting new clips from Morbid Angel, Trash Talk, Attack Attack!,Oh Sleeper and Degraded as well as posting an Apocalyptic Edition of the FiX featuring end-of-the-world type videos.
I found my future wife, the girl with the Kvelertak back tattoo.
We were really excited for the reunions of At The Drive-In and Refused.
We laughed at this hilarious music video from Virign Steele.
We cried watching what life is REALLY life for a small-time band trying to tour in the new documentary Why You Do This created by the vocalist of Car_Bomb, a must watch.
Metallica lied to us again.
Born Of Osiris tried to take the high road when releasing their guitarist Jason Richardson but Richardson released a statement calling them out.
Finally, we bring you DEATH METAL CAT.