AC/DC played their first show since 2016 at the Power Trip festival in Indio, CA on October 7. The show was AC/DC's first with live drummer Matt Haug in place of Phil Rudd, as well as their first with Brian Johnson back on vocals and bassist Cliff Williams un-retired from the band. So a pretty big deal. The set ran as follows:
- "If You Want Blood (You've Got It)"
- "Back In Black"
- "Demon Fire" (Live Debut)
- "Shot Down In Flames"
- "Thunderstruck"
- "Have A Drink On Me"
- "Hells Bells"
- "Shot In The Dark" (Live Debut)
- "Stiff Upper Lip" (First Time Since 2003)
- "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"
- "Shoot To Thrill"
- "Sin City"
- "Givin The Dog A Bone"
- "Rock 'N' Roll Train"
- "You Shook Me All Night Long"
- "Dog Eat Dog" (first performance with Brian Johnson since 2009)
- "High Voltage"
- "Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be"
- "Riff Raff" (first performance with Brian Johnson since 1996)
- "Highway To Hell"
- "Whole Lotta Rosie"
- "Let There Be Rock"
No word on if Rudd is permanently out of the band, as he did rejoin AC/DC in 2020 for their latest record Power Up. Rudd was originally let go from AC/DC in 2015 when he was found guilty of threatening to kill someone and drug possession. Rudd was sentenced to eight months of house arrest by a New Zealand court, and was replaced by former AC/DC drummer Chris Slade.
Williams' story is far less dramatic. Dude retired from the road in 2016 after AC/DC's tour wrapped up, rejoined the band in 2020 for the recording and promotion of Power Up, and is now un-retiring from live shows. Simple as that.
Brian Johnson fronted AC/DC between 1980 and 2016, at which point Johnson retired due to hearing loss issues. AC/DC was fronted by Axl Rose for the remainder of their tour, and rumors began circulating that the band was working on new material with the Guns N' Roses frontman. AC/DC ultimately released Power Up in 2020 with Johnson once again on vocals, but obviously didn't tour thanks to the pandemic.