Year Of The Knife were sadly involved in a terrible car accident on June 28 that left vocalist Madi Watkins in critical condition, and the rest of the band with other traumas. The band shared a positive health update back in July, and now Year Of The Knife guitarist Brandon Watkins is back with good news – Madi Watkins should be going home soon.
In a statement, Brandon shares that Madi still has a long way to go with her health, that daily life after the hospital could be rough and may require modifications throughout their home, and that any help is much appreciated. Read the full statement below and donate to the band's fund for their medical bills here.
"Madi is working really hard two times a day in occupational, speech and physical Therapy. She's already had surgeries to fix her broken jaw, facial fractures, both femurs, pelvis and ankle. She has fractured and broken just about every bone in her body. She is working hard in PT. She is still not able to sit up or stand on her own. We have been working on standing her on her right leg only. She can't put any weight on her left leg at all because of the broken femur, pelvis, ankle and fractured tibia.
"This has been a challenge. She also has to be lifted out of bed in a sling to get her in a chair. She had her wires and bar removed from her mouth on August 24 and then her trach removed on the 25th. Enabling her to eat soft foods for the first time since the accident on June 28th. Hopefully her stomach peg tube will come out next.
"The most troubling and challenging of her injuries is the trauma to her brain. Right now on the Rancho Los Amigos scale she is a Cognitive (persons thinking and memory skills) Level V – Confused, Inappropriate Non Agitated: Maximal Assistance. You can read more about the cognitive levels here: resources/rancho-los-amigos-revised/
"Madi is silly most of the time but also gets upset and cries. In her condition she still worries about everyone else. She is the sweetest, kindest, strongest and most amazing person.
"Madi may be released sometime soon. Though this is comforting to know, it also brings a lot of uncertainties. Getting her home will be difficult. As of now we have no idea if she will be able to walk or sit up on her own. She has braces on both legs and is still in a C collar. She is not able to do even the little things that we take for granted. When we do get her home she will be in a chair. The house will need updates to make it more accessible for her. They still do not have a car.
"Aaron and Andy are both walking on crutches and doing okay.
"Brandon is learning a lot about what he will need to do to help Madi once they do get home. The funds raised continue to help the family with the costs involved. Every dollar donated makes a huge difference and we are so unbelievably grateful. Much love and thanks to you all."