Slower – the all-Slayer cover project featuring drummer Esben Willems of Monolord, bassists Peder Bergstrand of Lowrider and Scott Reeder of Kyuss, vocalists Amy Barrysmith of Year Of The Cobra and Laura Pleasants of Kylesa, and guitarist Bob Balch of Fu Manchu – is now streaming their doomed-as-fuck cover of Slayer's "Blood Red".
"When I started this project I kind of had a feeling 'Blood Red' would find its way onto the chopping block," said Balch. "The groove is undeniably heavy at any speed and the arrangement is pretty straightforward. I sent Esben some scratch tracks to jam to and he killed it as usual. Then I tracked my guitars with actual amps.
"We sent all of that to Amy to lay down vocals. She absolutely nailed it!! After that, I used a single coil Reverend with a whammy bar for the solos. Peder's bass was the last piece of the puzzle. He made it so much heavier! It didn't think that was possible haha. I wanna thank all the players involved in this one. Enjoy!"
Slower will release their devastating debut record on January 24. Pre-orders are available here.